Foods to Avoid with Gerd

Foods to Avoid GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or Acid Reflux occurs when the liquid matter in your stomach goes back up to your esophagus, and this can cause inflammation and consequently injure its outer layer.

This is because the said liquid matter contains certain substances such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsin, and bile that breakdown the food that go down to your stomach. The disease is attributed to many causes, like obesity, posture, and eating a few hours before bedtime.
But one of the primary reasons is actually the food that you eat. Ironically, what you gulp down to nourish yourself can possibly go back up and harm you.

What kinds of Gerd to avoid
Foods to Avoid Gerd

So if you want to avoid having your gastric juices rise up and damage your insides, then try to follow this :

Ultimate guide on what kinds of Acid Reflux food to avoid:

* Foods that are high in fat can defer the clearing out of your stomach since they are harder to digest than other food substances, and this also causes the lower esophageal sphincter to function poorly.
* Fruits like tomatoes and others that contain high amounts of citric acid are also Acid Reflux food to avoid. Although they are nutritious and good for your body, their acidic properties can increase potential harms, and they relax the lower esophageal sphincter. It is better to find alternative foods that you can eat as substitutes for them. However, if it is the Vitamin C in those foods that you wish to assimilate, also avoid taking supplements because they too can add to the risk of having the reflux. Take other organic foods instead.
* Carbonated beverages are very acidic, as it is evident with what you feel when you drink them up and swallow them. This can contribute to the acidic level of the liquid matter in your stomach, and therefore, increasing the chances of GERD and the harms that it can cause.
* As much as you want to eat them, chocolate and coffee are also types of Acid Reflux food to avoid. They loosen up the lower esophageal sphincter, and this permits the liquid content of your stomach to climb up. The contributing factors why these prevalently liked foods can cause such harms are the theobromine in chocolate and the caffeine in coffee that are naturally found in them. Perhaps it would help if you eat them in moderation, but it may not decrease the risk of the occurrence of a reflux.
GERD is definitely difficult to bear but is surprisingly easy to avoid, if you still do not have the disease. All you have to do is to know what kinds of Acid Reflux food to avoid and you will be on your way to a worry-free eating habit. Although some of the foods that were mentioned are very hard to stay away from since you have learned to love them with the trends that dictate modern lifestyles, they would be easy to shun only if you know what to prioritize: would it be the food that you eat or your own health? Make a decision now, and its implications will certainly produce the results that you deserve.


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